CEDA Lunch at the Shangri-La Hotel

August 14, 2014

By Steve Johnson

Today I was fortunate to get an invite to attend the CEDA (Committee for Economic Development of Australia) at the Shangri-La Hotel. One of the speakers at the event, and of particular interest to me was Howard Collins OBE, the CEO of Sydney Trains.
It was very encouraging to see Mr Collins so enthused about the opportunity and challenge that lays ahead for Sydney Trains and for Sydney’s transport needs in general. He has embraced the concept of putting the customer first, as championed by Gladys Berejiklian, and this has started to deliver real improvement on the network. The future use of technology and putting live information directly into the customer’s hand via their smart phone is also a significant step in this direction.
I was fortunate to have a front row seat and managed to snap a photo of the panel.Photo of the CEDA Panel

This post was written by Steve Johnson

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